1st North Leigh Scout Group
What we have been getting up to lately

Beavers – Space Badge
This week we worked on our Space Badge! A really big thank you and well done to Owl who led a great session to help

Windmill Cubs – Pioneering Challenge
Tonight the cubs were given a paper pioneering challenge. They had to produce a tower made out of newspapers that was as tall as possible, but that

Beavers – Chinese New Year
This week we learnt about Chinese New Year. We started by having a game of Chinese Ladders. This is very similar to the usual game

A scout group with a long history
In 2019, the 1st North Leigh Scout Group celebrated its centenary with a trip to the place where scouting started, Brownsea Island.
A Call to Action!
Volunteering with 1st North Leigh Scout Group is easier than you think, it is great fun and really rewarding. Please take the time to find out more.
Keeping young people safe
Young people thrive in secure surroundings, at home and away. Whatever we do and wherever we go, we’re serious about keeping them safe.
Did You Know?
Please click the button below to find out a little more about these ‘scouting’ things:
The Left-Handed Handshake
Tying Knots
Scout Badges
The Patron Saint of Scouting
Founder’s Day
Camp Fires
Neckerchiefs (Neckers)
The Gang Show
World Scouting